The Silver Light

The Silver Light
With Weekly Chapter Updates!

Monday, January 19, 2015

A Note from the Author

Hi, Diana here.  I hope you're enjoying the novel in this format.  As I've mentioned here and there, once the first book is completely posted, I'll release on Amazon as a Kindle ebook.  Likewise, for the second, and then the third book.  And then, I'll probably release all three in a single Kindle edition as well.  I wouldn't hold out any hope of  the final book,The Silver Light ever seeing actual print, however, but you never know.  I can only promise an ebook edition for now.

Another thing.  Moonsword is generally speaking rated a hard PG-13, though there are certainly parts that were it a film would earn it a fairly serious R rating.  So, be warned.

Now, though I have re-edited the manuscript from the original published by AmErica House all those years ago, I have elected to keep some things that I probably wouldn't have included if I were to write it now.  This is for two reasons: 1) I've been told by several people that Moonsword is their favorite book, and who am I to mess with someone's favorite book, and 2) I've got other books to write, edit, and pitch, and I only have so much time.

And finally, as it's being released in a serialized manner, on a blog, you have to use the sidebar to get to the earlier chapters, as the most recently posted will be on top.  Got it?  Good.  Enjoy.

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