The Silver Light

The Silver Light
With Weekly Chapter Updates!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Moonsword - Chapter 33

Chapter 33

“Champion, please prepare sleeping quarters for our guests,” ordered Davlin, “while I show them around a little.”
“Come,” he addressed them.  He groaned as he lifted himself from his chair.  Tolian and her companions stood up as well.  They followed the renegade druid out of the room.
“This house was built by Brythic, of course,” he explained.
This news was quite a surprise to Brythia.  She observed  her surroundings with a new interest.  To Tolian it mattered little.
“For the most part,” Davlin continued, “It’s merely a simple house.  However, down here,” he opened a door revealing a long flight of stairs descending, “Here is something quite special.”
“How did you find this place, anyway?” asked Brythia.
“Good question, child.  Brythic left many clues for those who knew where to look.  The last legends that tell of him come from Threasia.  I therefore set myself to the task of searching the country for some sign of his passing.”
“After a thousand years?” asked Findelbres dubiously.
“I developed a technique in which I tuned myself into the Moonstone’s power.  I fashioned a lunar diving rod and I eventually found this place.”
As he spoke, he led them down a great many stairs.  The way was lit much as the tunnel that led to the Druidic temple of Hyge Nuyt, by a natural luminance.  At length  they found themselves in a great underground formation, a great cave through which flowed an underground stream of the bluest water Tolian had ever seen.  Even she took an interest in their surroundings.  Engravings of mystic symbols and Druidic runes covered the cave’s walls.  An elaborate system of mirrors was supported by various scallfoldings and mechanisms made of pure silver.  Under the surface of the clear blue stream and beneath the system of mirrors stood a silver altar.
“!” exclaimed Brythia.
“Behold!” shouted Davlin, “Brythic’s handiwork.  Through this system the Lunar rays were distilled through the mirrors and accumulated upon the altar located there beneath the waters.  It was here that I discovered the Moonstone which was to become the Champion.”
Mystic energy flowed through Tolian in that place.  A feeling of power took hold of her despite the blackness of her mood.  There was something.  A feeling of familiarity about the cavern and its lunar mechanisms.  Out of the corner of her eye she caught Findelbres examining her expression intently.  Such behavior was rather odd for him.  Usually he glanced about his surroundings with an almost uncaring abandon, seemingly uninterested in the world around him.  Tolian had assumed that his faerie senses were somewhat different from those of mortals, that he required less reassurance than other folk.  Hence his careful study of Tolian’s demeanor was unusual behavior for him indeed.  She was careful not to reveal that she was aware of his scrutiny.  She attempted to allow her mind to wander, but in doing so the familiar vision of the Moonsword came crashing down on her.  She was filled then with its vast  power.  The sword danced before her as she struggled to keep to her feet.  So powerful was the vision that she collapsed beneath its magnificence.
“Tolian,” shouted Findelbres with alarm.
To Tolian the faerie sounded far distant.  She slipped into unconsciousness, the mighty vision of the Moonsword drowning out other elements of her mind.

She had no idea where she was.  It was nighttime and she found herself in a modest bedroom.  The bed itself seemed quite comfortable, but that was largely due to the fact that she had spent the majority of last two months sleeping on the ground.  She then became aware that there was someone in bed next to her.  It was Brythia.  Tolian peered through the dimness at the golden-haired druidess.  The woman she loved.  Her pulse quickened.  What a vision of loveliness she was.  Everything Tolian had ever dreamt of in a woman lay there naked next to her.  Tolian then realized that she too was naked.  What savage irony the Druids’ magick had wrought.
Brythia stirred.  She opened her eyes  and starred at Tolian.  The love sparkled in her gaze.
“You’re finally awake,” she said.
“So it would appear,” Tolian agreed.
“Are you all right?” the druidess asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
“I suppose so.  I just got caught up in the power of the cave.  It just came rushing in on me.”
“That was Findelbres’ diagnosis and I tended to agree with him,” said Brythia.  “We’re both still convinced that you’re the Champion.”
Tolian closed her eyes and laid her head back into the softness of her pillow.  The whole Champion business was unimportant to Tolian at that moment.  Something else had taken sudden hold of her mind.  It was something that had been troubling Tolian since she had learned of it.  She could hold the secret no longer.  This was the moment.
“Brythia,” said Tolian.
“Yes, Tolian?”
“Did you ever wonder why we fell in love?” Tolian asked with some hesitation.
The final vestiges of sleepiness left Brythia’s face and were replaced by a look of befuddlement, “I don’t think anyone ever knows why they fall in love with someone.  They just do.”
Tolian swallowed then asked, “What if I told you that I knew why we fell in love?”
Concern passed over Brythia’s face.
“How could you know such a thing?” she asked, doubting the skepticism of her own question.
The prince sighed, “I know it because Magara told me.”
“Aye, it is true.  When she bid her farewells to me she told me the tale.”
“What did Magara tell you?”
“She told me that she had placed a love spell upon us, in order to facilitate my decision to become the Champion.”
At that Tolian chuckled slightly.
Brythia considered Tolian’s words.  Tolian watched her with some nervousness.
“Love-magicks are against Druidic Law, they are too potent.  Magara would not disregard our laws in such a manner.”
“The High Council sanctioned the whole thing.”
Then Brythia surprised Tolian, “I don’t care.  What difference does it make?  I love you, that’s  that matters.”
They embraced.  Tolian felt as though they were bathing together in a sea of love.  Tranquility flowed through her.  She smothered Brythia in hot, passionate kisses.  She noticed how their breasts pressed up together and how nice it felt.  She giggled.
Brythia smiled mischievously, “Are you ready?”
Tolian nodded with a combination of excited eagerness and timidity.
She felt Brythia’s hand caress her skin.  She gently kissed her breast, sending a wave of pleasure through Tolian’s body.  Her nipples stiffened.  Brythia’s hand then slid between Tolian’s legs.  She brought it gingerly up between her thighs.  It felt good.  No, she thought.  It felt fantastic.
They made love well into the night, each seeking to deliver the utmost pleasure to the other.  Tolian had made love to many women as a man, but the prince had never experienced anything approximating the ecstasy she received that night.  The entire experience was different, of course, with Brythia taking great delight in demonstrating the advantage in sexual enjoyment that the female gender has.  Tolian had never felt so sexually satisfied before.
Brythia was massaging Tolian’s clitoris with passionate vigor.  Colors flashed before her eyes as wave upon wave of ecstasy poured over her.  Poured through her.  Suddenly a white brilliance flooded her consciousness.  She laughed and screamed in delight.
They held each other for a eternity it seemed.  Locked together in an embrace of the timeless dimension of love.  Tolian opened her eyes to the world around them.  She gasped in surprise.  Standing a few feet from the bed stood the Champion, or the Moonstone. Tolian had no doubts then, but that she was the Champion. She kissed Brythia and untangled herself from their embrace.  She stood up from the bed and regarded the diminutive silver creature.  It smiled up at her in the dim darkness of the bedroom.  Tolian stretched out her hands.  The Moonstone stepped forward into her outstretched hands.  She closed her fingers about the little lunar being.  She closed her eyes and opened her mind to the powerful current of magickal energy which was available to her.  She concentrated on the vision she had had of the Moonsword.  She opened her eyes.  She held the Moonsword in her hands.  It was a mighty weapon, a long sword of magnificent demeanor.  It was her destiny.
She looked back and smiled at Brythia, who cried out of joy and hope .

Copyright 2002, 2015 Diana Hignutt

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