The Silver Light

The Silver Light
With Weekly Chapter Updates!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Moonsword - Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Magara was tremendously relieved when Tolian was finally asleep and floating in the waters of the Alembic Chamber.  At last she could truly begin the task she had been trained for since she had been selected as High Druidess years ago.  She almost couldn’t believe the time had finally arrived for the two hundred year old formula to be put into practice.  She woke up every morning and ran it through in her mind, as the High Druidesses have since the policy was originated.  She realized that the only hope the world had was for this magickal operation to be successful.  There would be no room for mistakes or clumsiness. Everything had to be done exactly according to the ancient prescriptions, laid down by the druids of old.
As she looked down at the sleeping prince, each of the two hundred druidesses threw a handful of flower petals over his sleeping form.  That in itself took rather a long time, bringing Magara to the realization that the hard part was only beginning.  It was going to be difficult for everybody.
When the last girl had tossed her handful flowers into the well-like chamber below and Tolian could no longer be seen beneath the floral blanket, Magara ordered the chamber closed.  Most of the druidesses were systematically dismissed, until later that night when the magickal work would resume.  For it was pivotal that Tolian be exposed only to the gentle, transforming rays of the Moon.
 All but thirteen women had left when Magara began the prayer to the Earth Mother, “Mother of Life, Queen of Nature, Hear us!
“We have passed the Chosen one into your Dark Womb.  Hold him and protect him throughout this Magickal Working.  Help give this transformation a physical reality.  Our need is great indeed, oh Generous Mother.”
That was it for the time being.  Magara left the thirteen attendants to circumambulate inside the circle and retired to her chamber for rest and meditation.  Tolian would sleep in the Alembic solution for the entire day.  The water was comprised largely of sea water (as sea water responds so well to the Moon’s power).  Menstrual blood and a variety of herbal potions were also added to the mixture.
That night the whole force of druidesses again gathered to the stone circle, and began their circumambulations.  Magara invoked:
“Holy Goddess of the Moon, who lies hid in Newness, hear us!  Sweet Goddess of Transformation and Women, we, your daughters, enlist thy aid in our hour of darkness.  Direct your Blessed Rays into this circle.  Bring thy power of change to affect the One who sleeps in Black .  Change Him from Man to Woman.  Lend him your strength and power to be our champion against the Evil that would rend the World.  Shadaye El Chy.”
The Druidess began chanting “Change” as they circled the Altar and the Alembic Chamber which lay below it.
They did this for the entire course of the night, with only thirteen attendants left to continue the next day.
The next Night a slender crescent peered through the cold, clear October sky.  Only one of the comets remained visible in the celestial pageant that dazzled above.  On this night Tolian was removed from the Alembic Chamber.  He remained unconscious, but the effect of the potion allowed him to obey simple commands in his sleep.  Magara commanded him to circle three times, followed by the entire procession, then she had him placed on the Altar.  She was not surprised that there appeared to be no change in him so soon; it was doubtful that much would happen until the full moon neared.
Magara chanted:
“Lady of the Moon,
Lady of Change,
Model of Woman,
Giver of Femininity,
Pour your Energy
Into this Man
That he may come to know
Thy feminine Mysteries.”
The mantric chant that was carried by the entire ensemble was in the ancient druidic ritual speech.  Its tones were executed perfectly.  Magara was extremely pleased.
The next eight nights passed in the exact same manner, with no apparent change to him.  Magara was beginning to get nervous.  She had made no mistakes, she had no choice but to persevere, and hope for some signs of transformation soon.

The Moon was well beyond three quarters Full before Brythia could bring herself to watch the Ritual from a nearby tree platform.  She was not allowed to go any nearer than that for fear that she would attempt to disrupt the Ritual in some way.  She could see well enough.  She began to sob in happiness and grief.  Some changes had become apparent even from the distance.  His hair had grown long, and blew luxuriously in the breeze.  His chest had become somewhat swollen, she noticed as Tolian unconsciously led the procession around the circle three times.  The ritual was working: the World would have its Champion, but she must forever live without her man.  She had been torn since she had met Tolian; she was surprised how easily she had fallen in love with him.  And love him she did.  A hundred different emotions collided inside her heart as she watched.  Hope and despair mingled in every glance.  She crouched down and cried.

Magara could hardly wait for the sun to set on the thirteenth night.  The procession began just as it had every other evening.  Except tonight, which to Magara’s relief, was unseasonably warm, as they walked in the nude.  Every one of them, from the lowliest novice to Magara herself were naked.  They moved as a great current of femininity towards the circle where Tolian slept, waiting in the Alembic Chamber.
The power was a vibrant force as the moon rose in the sky.  Purple astral light was clearly visible as a glowing haze in the air.  With great enthusiasm they sang their song of thanks to the Moon Goddess.  Magara was extremely hopeful, despite that fact that Tolian was far from  transformed as of last night.  Everyone watched nervously as the Alembic Chamber was opened and Amristia descended to bring Tolian up.
They came up as they had done each of the other nights, as Tolian was not capable of great speed under the influence of the potion.  A great gasp of amazement went up as they became visible.
Magara fell to her knees and shouted up to the Moon, “Thank you Great Goddess of the Silver Light.  You have delivered the Champion to us, may she have the strength to do your will.”
A great cheer went round as the women straining to catch a view, finally caught sight of Tolian.
Even Magara was shocked.  It was amazing that such a change could have been wrought so quickly.  A Purple aura still hung about Tolian’s body, and a ray of light from the Moon seemed to shine directly on the prince.
Tolian was led to the High Druidess.  Magara could not help but stare at the amazing transformation that she had directed and produced.  Her heart was beating furiously in the excitement.  A cup of an herbal brew was brought to Magara.  It was the antidote to the sleeping potion that they had employed.  Amristia told Tolian to accept the cup, which the prince did without waking.  The cup was raised and drained.

A bad taste came in to Tolian’s mouth.  It was bitter and quite disturbing.  Immediately consciousness came.  Tolian looked about and was surprised to see the two hundred naked druidesses surrounding.  Dizzy.  Disoriented.  The Moon poured its powerful energy down.  It was invigorating.  Tolian then realized that Magara was speaking.
“Tolian, Daughter of the Moon, welcome to the Sisterhood of Woman, and the beginning of your destiny.”
It came in an  rush.  Tolian was filled with new sensations.  The prince looked down, horrified at herself, and fainted...


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