The Silver Light

The Silver Light
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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Empress of Clouds - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

          Kiliordes closed the door.  Tolian still did not trust him and he knew it.  He had no trouble understanding why, really.  He still remembered watching helplessly as the Demon took possession of his body and used Brythia as a hostage against Tolian.  The expression of hatred on Tolian’s face, directed at him, was burned into his memory.  Such fury.  Such outrage and horror.  All directed at him.  And Kiliordes knew that Tolian remembered as well.  Sometimes he could see it in her expression, hidden in the corner of her eye, maybe, but it was there.  He knew that Tolian felt bad about it, but she couldn't help it.  It had placed quite a distance between them.
          They had been quite close before.  Before.  Before there even was a Kiliordes.  When he was two different people.  As Rwiordes, he was one of the three bungling sorcerers who had allowed the Demon access into the world, and possession of their bodies to launch his hellish conquest.  He had managed to warn King Tolris of the imminent invasion by the Demon's forces before he fell completely under the Demon's power, though.  As Kilfrie, she was the druidess who had the gift of Hamfahring, the ability to take possession of any living creature.  She had been one of Tolian’s original druidic captors sent to bring the prince (at the time) to Hyge Bryth for his transformation.  It had been her assignment to use her unique gift to take possession of the then male Tolian and father his heir upon Myrthis, a fellow druidess.  No doubt, the princess still bore Kiliordes some measure of suspicion over that.  Nonetheless she choose Kilfrie as one of her companions on her quest for the Moonsword, and the two of them became friends.
          Kiliordes knew it had to be difficult for Tolian to deal with him.  Tolian and Brythia were the only two people to ever come in contact with Rwiordes when he was possessed by the Demon. And Kilfrie, of course.  Except that he was Kilfrie.  Or she was him.  It was only confusing when he thought about it.  Normally the two personalities were completely unified and blended harmoniously into one being forged in the darkest depths of chaos, a vortex of entropy that was the Demon.  Kilfrie had attempted to wrest control of the possessed Rwiordes’ body in order to save Brythia from the fiend’s wrath.  For her trouble, she and Rwiordes were exiled into the pit of swirling evil from which the Demon was born.  They unified what was not torn away of their personalities into one ordered being.  One that could not exist in the realm of chaos and was, therefore, expelled.  He was that new being of order who again took control of Rwiordes’ body and saved Tolian and the world itself from the Demon.  He could picture the severed head of his possessed friend Perelisk lying at his feet and in his hands, Tolian’s Moonsword glowing with power.
          He used the name Kiliordes now.  It seemed like a name that made sense, given his situation.  He had memories of both of them now woven into a fabric, which formed a new whole.  He was different than either of the two people he had been in some ways as well.  It was not surprising, he reasoned, that the synthesis of the two parts would have some properties that neither, alone had had.  For example, he now liked some foods, which neither Rwiordes or Kilfrie had liked.  He had never before (nor had she) a taste for ale, but now it was a weakness for him.  This, of course, he realized, may have had something to do with the superior quality of Lormian ale.
          Another difference was that he had no interest now in many of the things that had been most important to his constituents.  He had no desire to continue Kilfrie’s druidic practices in general, and specifically none whatsoever to utilize her Hamfahring abilities.  Kilfrie had been devout in her druidism and considered it her duty to practice her gift daily.  He didn’t even know if he could still do it.  He didn’t want to know.  Rwiordes had a daughter in his distant homeland.  She was a bastard child and lived in her mother’s house, but he had visited her often.  They had a good relationship.  Even so, Kiliordes was surprised that he had almost no wish to see her since his...  Well, since his coming into being.  He didn't know how else to describe it.
          He was happy in Lorm.  He was regarded as a hero because of his victory over the Demon in Keythion.  He was regarded as a hero for his timely warnings that helped prepare the palace defenses for the Demon’s horrific onslaught.  He was, as Tolian had pointed out, the King’s most trusted advisor.  A position not without advantages.  He was popular at court.  He had comfortable apartments (in fact, by far the most comfortable he had ever had).  It was a good life.  The Lormians may have been famous for being the bravest warriors in the West, but they were damn fine cooks as well.  He enjoyed his popularity and the material comforts available to him.  He simply had no longing for his far away home
          In Lorm he had a new life.  He found that suddenly being a national hero and the King’s advisor had quickly immersed him, willing or no, deeply into Lormian politics.  Court relationships were far more complex than he would ever have imagined, with such intrigue and hypocrisy in the noble classes that he shuddered as he thought of it.  Everything in Lormian culture was based on ancient military alliances, histories, and warrior skills of the different Houses
          Tolian’s return to Lorm in her new form had been an incredible destabilizing force in court politics, Kiliordes quickly discovered.  King Tolris was having increased difficulty getting support for his policies from the other Houses simply because Tolian was his heir.  There was open grumbling from the Houses of the Yeld and Jirtel.  They claimed to be afraid of a druidic take over of Lormian sovereignty, with Tolian having undergone their magick, with her close association with druids.  But that was a just an excuse.  They were upset because they simply did not want a “woman king”, even if she was the greatest warrior among them.  There were even some in the highest houses, those of Hemris and Curdew, who were beginning to voice doubts over Tolian’s nomination.  Kiliordes was spending a great deal of time trying to keep everybody happy.  And it wasn’t working.

Copyright 2004, 2015 Diana Hignutt

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