The Silver Light

The Silver Light
With Weekly Chapter Updates!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Moonsword - Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Brythia screamed her name over and over.  Rwiordes' ears hurt from her cries.  He was carrying the druidess over his shoulder as easily as though she were a sack of potatoes.  The Demon was certainly aware of the fire ball’s power and wished to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the deadly incendiary weapon.  Still, Rwiordes felt Brythia’s loss.  The Champion was obviously dead.  There was no one left to stand between the Demon and the destruction of the world.
Rwiordes felt the heat on his back as his Demon-charged muscles drove him back the upper levels of the Palace.  He could not look back, but by the sound of it, half of the Palace was collapsing by the force of the release of the fire from the earth’s core.  Suddenly he felt the coldness of the December air upon his cheeks as he emerged on a rooftop.  To his growing surprise, Rwiordes found himself diving off the roof into the air.  Brythia screamed.
They hung there in space for longer than seemed to be possible.  With a startling jolt Rwiordes felt himself fall on top of an large object in mid air.  His legs straddled the large scaly neck of a dragon.  Immediately they lifted high into the air.  His lips let out the Demon’s diabolical laughter as the Palace of Lorm quickly faded below them.
“We’re doomed,” Rwiordes said in his mind.  “The Champion is dead.  Now there’s no one that can stop the Demon.”
“Don’t think like that.”
“Oh, are you still in here too?”
“I thought he got rid of you after that last little episode.”
“No, not yet, but I had to retreat fairly deeply into your mind to hide from him.”
“I see,” said Rwiordes, though he didn’t.  “Well, would it be possible for you to explain what’s going on?  Your friend doesn’t seem to be in immediate danger.”
“Sure, it seems as though we have the time.”
The dragon was flying far too high in the sky for them to see anything but clouds below them.  Brythia was unconscious.  The Demon was paying no attention to her at the moment.
Kilfrie began, “The omens at my birth were most unusual.  Demvirtsa was High Druidess at the time, and my parents asked her to interpret the augury.  Right as I was being born, a night bird had called out three times just outside the window.  Demvirtsa knew right away what it meant, and she advised my parents that I had the gift of Hamfahring.”
“The gift of Hamfahring?”
“Yes, it’s the ability to transfer your consciousness to another body.  My special training began at age two.  For the gift is merely potential.  It must be rigorously disciplined and controlled.  At first I would borrow the bodies of squirrels, and birds.  It’s much harder, but eventually I learned to displace the consciousness of people.  It was a great deal of work, but Demvirtsa told me that my skills could prove helpful to the Champion in her cause one day.”
“So, basically you were born with this ability, then?”
“You must have been  lonely as a child,” thought Rwiordes, as a deep wave of understanding moved through his consciousness.
“That is an understatement, Rwiordes.”
“Okay, I get it now.  You were in the panther’s body.  Then you jumped into my body to try and save your friend.”
“Well, none of that makes any difference now.  The Demon’s already won.  The Champion’s dead.”
“Don’t count Tolian out yet, she’s a pretty resilient girl.”

Copyright 2002, 2015

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