The Silver Light

The Silver Light
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Friday, February 13, 2015

Moonsword - Chapter 49 (SPOILER ALERT!)

Chapter 49

The early May sunshine streamed through the few small white clouds that drifted idly in the deep azure of the sky, bathing the green grass in the solar warmth.  Crowds of people of all walks of life thronged the field outside the Palace of Lorm.  The debris from the battle had long been cleared and much of the ruined section had been repaired.  In front of the still damaged wall stood a high trellis woven with white roses and before that an oaken altar inscribed with Druidic runes.  On either side of the trellis were two curtained passageways leading from doors in the Palace wall.  Tolian peeked with some trepidation from behind the curtain at the activities on the field.  She watched as her father stood from the large table he was seated behind and raised his hand.  Everyone fell silent.  Tolris was beaming with joy, though some uncharacteristic nervousness was apparent in his voice as he spoke:
“People of Lorm, honored guests and dignitaries.  It is with the happiest of hearts that I have invited you here today.  I dare say that no other monarchs have had such legendary guests to their table, nor felt such pride as I feel at this occasion.  I wish to welcome, the King and Queen of Faerie, for they have traveled between the worlds to join us today.  Hail and welcome to you both.”
Tolris bowed to them.  Ymrisiva and her king nodded with supreme grace.
“In their company, also, I should point out the valiant Findelbres, who, in my mind, is one of the bravest warriors to grace this field.”
Findelbres stood and bowed at the boisterous cheers he received.
King Tolris continued, “I would like to welcome those of the Druidic Order who have brought their good wishes to this table.  Greetings, priests and priestesses of nature.  Lastly, before we begin the proceedings, I should like to point out the one person who should be especially saluted; for without his efforts, we would all be dead, rather than celebrating this joyous event.  I give you the hero of Keythion, Kiliordes.  Please stand up.”
A smile of gratitude touched Tolian’s lips as the man who was Rwiordes stood up and took his bow to the deafening cheers of the people of Lorm.
“It can truly be said,” said Tolris, “that you and my son, er, my child are our saviors, and we shall not forget you.  Kiliordes, as you now call yourself, I hereby make you a Lord of Lorm.  Nor shall I ever forget that it was you who first brought me the news that Tolian lived.  Thank you for everything.”
Kiliordes bowed humbly.
The King took a deep breath.  “Now for the moment, we’ve been waiting for.  Magara, High Priestess of the Druidic Order would you please begin.”
Magara arose from her seat and stepped behind the altar.
“Thank you, your Majesty,” she said, respectfully.  “Please stand over to my left.  That’s it.  Greetings, good people of Lorm.  Today is a day of joy, though I admit an unexpected one.  We are gathered for a special purpose, a ceremony I have conducted countless times for the men and women of our order.  I do believe that in this case, we have a first.  Are the brides ready?”
“That’s your cue,” said Myrthis, “hurry up.”
The Lormian druidess was eight months pregnant, but was not letting her condition dampen her enthusiasm.
Tolian pushed aside the curtain and walked towards Magara.  She was radiant and she knew it.  Her brown hair gleamed with copper highlights in the sun beneath the crown of white flowers she wore.   Her diamond wedding gown gleamed on her.  The neckline plunged to just below her breasts , revealing a great deal of cleavage.  Tolian walked with her head held high.  She walked as a woman proud of her femininity and so she was.  She had spent the morning preparing.  She had applied her own make up and required only the slightest assistance from Myrthis with her hair.  She looked at those seated at the king’s table.  Her uncle and cousin stared in awe.  Even Delorick seemed quite impressed with her appearance, though his gaze slipped back to Myrthis.  Tolian found some pleasure in the peculiar looks she was getting from some of the young noble women she had courted before her transformation.  Despite some of the shocked stares she received, Tolian had no doubts that being female was right for her.  She was glad to be a woman, and she didn’t care what anyone thought about it.
She watched Brythia step from behind the other curtain and walk towards Magara as well.  Tolian’s heart raced.  The druidess had never looked as beautiful as she did coming toward her.  Brythia’s lacy-white gown was more demure than Tolian’s, but she was breathtaking  in it.  She stared into her eyes as they neared each other, both wearing huge smiles on their painted  lips.  They stopped before the altar.
“The powers of the sun and rain are great,” said Magara, “but they stand as nothing next to the power of love.  Do you Brythia, Priestess of the Sun, truly intend to wed this woman?”
“I do.”
“Do you Tolian, Child of Tolris, truly intend to wed this woman?”
“I do.”
“We stand in the church of nature almighty.  Our hearts are true of purpose.  I do so say, if any here have reason that these two children of love should not be married, speak now.”
A hush swept over the crowd.  Tolian bit her lip.  Magara waited, then sighed in relief.
“Hold hands.  Let these two be bound by the bindings of marriage, by the cords of love, in the holy union of love.  I pronounce you wife and wife.  So mote  it be.”
Tolian took Brythia into her arms and fastened her lips onto the druidess’.  The entire assemblage cheered as one.  Flowers petals rained down upon the two brides from everywhere.
King Tolris cleared his throat and spoke. “There is just one more thing to say.  It has been assumed that succession of the crown of Lorm will go to Tolian’s heir because of her transformation.  I would like to correct that misunderstanding.  Let all here know that Tolian will be the next King of Lorm.”
“Queen,” corrected Tolian.
She was a woman.  She was a goddess.  She was the happiest she had ever been in her life. 

The End

…The adventures of Tolian continue in Empress of Clouds…

Copyright 2002, 2015 Diana Hignutt

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