The Silver Light

The Silver Light
With Weekly Chapter Updates!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Moonsword - Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Rwiordes sat in attendance of the Lormian king, as he had since his arrival a week earlier.  Why Tolris wanted him there, he was not entirely certain.  He had already told the king everything he knew.  At first, of course, it was difficult.  His tidings were extraordinary and almost wholly unpleasant to the monarch, to say the least.  Obviously his arrival via the mythical Gerdoans and their griffins lent credence to his tale.  If not for that they probably would have thrown him in the dungeon, immediately denouncing him as a madman.  Not that there weren’t those of the Lormian nobility who not be happy with such a course.  Many were of the opinion that Rwiordes, or the Messenger as the King dubbed him, had fabricated the wild tale to gain some sort of power over the Tolris.  He realized that if he were in their positions he might be inclined to believe such a thing himself.  His favor with the King was a mystery to him as well.
It was quite confusing at first.  When he arrived he demanded to see the Champion at once.  He was quite surprised to learn that the Lormians had no idea what he was talking about.  They had no inkling of the great danger they were in or the Druidic plan to combat the Demon.  None-the-less, there must have been about him an earnestness, for they did bring him before the mighty Tolris.
Tolris was without a doubt the most majestic and intimating man he had ever met.  He was in his mid fifties, though not a grey hair could be seen in his long brown mane.  He reached six and a half feet tall when he stood and his powerful frame bulged with muscles.  The warrior king of a warrior people.  Regal and august he seemed, though a great degree of melancholy could be discerned in his bearing.
Even Tolris listened with diminishing patience as Rwiordes hurriedly recounted his experiences with the Demon and issued warnings most dire.  But then everything had changed when he got to the part about the Champion, about Tolian, his son.  That was harder news to bear for Rwiordes but the king listened.  He had given his son up for dead, and news that he was alive was as a balm to him.  It was difficult for him to accept, and understandably so.  But despite the news of the prince’s transformation, the hope that his son was alive gave Tolris the reason to want to believe Rwiordes’ story.  Much to the initial regret of his advisors Tolris decided to trust Rwiordes and gave the orders to prepare for a siege.
Since then Rwiordes was grilled by Tolris and his generals regarding the strength of the Demon’s forces, though the generals clearly had had their doubts.  They knew enough, however not to question their king, and so battle plans were drawn up based upon the information that he, the Messenger, had given.  The Lormian nobles were certain that Rwiordes had bewitched their King, using the disappearance of his son as the center piece of his treachery.  Most, however, began to accept Rwiordes’ tale as two events corroborated his account.  First, their long distance scouts reported impossibly large amounts of black smoke to the North, as though great fires raged throughout the Northern Kingdoms.  Such a thing had never been witnessed previously, and many Lormians began to accept that perhaps there might have been something to the Messenger’s warnings after all.  Secondly, the king’s nephew arrived just two days ago, claiming to bear warnings from Tolian.  He mentioned nothing of the prince’s transformation into a woman, until he discovered that he King had already been advised.  Then he revealed everything that he knew regarding Tolian, her druidic companions and their quest.  Only a few doubted Rwiordes then.
Now they waited.   The Lormian warriors were preoccupied by the business of defense, leaving Rwiordes to entertain the king.  They did little else but sit and wait for the Champion and the Demon, uncertain as to who would arrive first.  The king spoke little to him, and it remained a complete mystery as to why Tolris kept him around.  He was not an easy man to figure out.
Rwiordes was startled from his memories by the door page, a young teen who appeared befuddled.
“Your Majesty,” said the youth bowing, “Tolian has arrived.”
Rwiordes looked up.  Sure enough, behind the page stood the woman he had seen in his vision of the werewolf attack on Halloween.  She was astoundingly beautiful, cloaked in werewolf skin and suited in the most immodest armor he had ever seen.  She was without a doubt the Druidic Champion.  There was a power emanating from her that brought out a fear in Rwiordes that he could not understand.  Here was the one person whom the Demon feared.  He could not imagine why he should feel trepidation in the World’s only hope.  Behind the Champion, stood two of her companions that he also recognized, as well as a rather unusual pet panther.
Gaining control of his unfathomable anxiety, he turned to see Tolris’ reaction.  The mighty king rose to his feet and stared fixedly at the Champion, his expression was filled with emotion unclear to Rwiordes.  The Champion stood there proudly, allowing her father to study her before she spoke.
“Greetings, Father,” she said with just a little hesitation.
Tolris stared but a moment longer, before joyously bounding across the distance between them and embracing the Champion who clearly was not expecting such a reaction from the warrior king.  He hugged his child with great tenderness.  Tears welled up in his eyes.
“Tolian,” he sobbed. “I thought I had lost you.  I could not bear it.  Thank the Gods that you live.”
The golden haired druidess and the faerie beamed in appreciation of the reunion.  Even Rwiordes was touched, though he was beginning to feel a deep sense of unreality, as though everything was unravelling.  He felt cold.  Something was not right.  Darkness played about the edges of his vision.
“It’s so hard to believe, my son,” said King Tolris.
“I know,” replied Tolian, “but we have more important things to discuss than my new appearance.”
“Indeed,” agreed the father releasing his daughter from his embrace.  “But first who are your companions?”
Rwiordes was finding it difficult to hear the words anymore.  He struggled to continue to listen.
“This is Findelbres of the Realm of Faerie, a good friend and worthy ally.  And this is Brythia, Priestess of the Druidic Order, and the woman I love.”
Then something in Rwiordes’ head snapped.  His vision cleared.  He felt himself rise to his feet.  Panic struck at him, though his countenance expressed no such emotion.  He was not in control of his muscles.  Some other power controlled him.  He bowed before the Champion.  He heard words come from his mouth, “It is a great honor, indeed, to meet the great Champion.”
He felt a smile spread across his face.
Just then, alarm trumpets rang out over the Palace.
Many voices cried out, “Dragons!  Prepare!  Dragons!”
Inside his head, Rwiordes felt a whorling darkness taking shape, a familiar hissed whisper “Well done Rwiordes, now we are inside.”


Copyright 2002, 2015 Diana Hignutt

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